Teen Dies from Peanut Allergy
This tragic news story from Atlanta (Teen Dies from Peanut Allergy) calls to mind the real danger of food allergies. It is unclear from the report whether the child ate a packaged cookie or a free sample, but it highlights the importance of reading ingredient labels because many inadvertent exposures to food allergens occur when the culprit food is not recognized by visual inspection. Even trace amounts of food allergen can trigger a severe reaction.
As we begin a new school year it is crucial that our food allergic children have access to epinephrine in the event of a life threatening food reaction. Also, anyone taking care of food allergic children (school nurses, family members, babysitters, etc…) should:
- Have a clear understanding of which food(s) the child is allergic to
- Be able to recognize the early warning signs of anaphylaxis
- Be competent and comfortable with proper injection of epinephrine if needed.
At our practice, each patient with a food allergy leaves the office with a easy-to-understand food allergy action plan that can be used to educate our children and their caretakers about the symptoms of anaphylaxis and when epinephrine injection is warranted. The action plan can then be posted or copied so that all caretakers understand how to recognize the symptoms of allergic reactions to foods. If you are concerned that you or a family member may have a food allergy, it is important to discuss your concerns with an Allergist who is the expert in the diagnosis and treatment of food allergies.
–Thomas A Lupoli, DO is a board-certified allergist/immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Specialists of North Florida.